sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Damien Hirst pills cufflinks

here is a piece of damien hirst's art without the space required for a pickled shark, or a bank breaking budget for a diamond encrusted skull. in 2004, damien hirst exhibited "the elusive truth" in new york. the exhibit included a selection of hirst’s over-sized hand-painted tablets, and the medicine cabinet appeared as a shrine praising modern pharmaceuticals. the idea is that while medicine helps to prolong life and prevent illness, it is ineffectual in holding off death completely. while hirst’s online pharmacy viagra remain shiny and inviting - immortalised as they are in the pristine pharmaceutical cabinet - the artist puts into question society’s reliance on chemicals to feel, and stay, alive.

the sterling silver cufflinks are hallmarked and engraved with hirst's logo. i love the story behind it, and especially liking the fact that this is a piece of wearable art. the cufflinks is available online here.

a print of hirst's hand painted "pills" from the exhibition. l00o00ve.

pics credit: othercriteria.com


terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011


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